
The Challenge

Design a commission processing system that:

  • Is intuitive
  • Simplifies a complex process
  • Maximises use of screen realestate
  • Visually differentiates it within the market

The Approach

Starting with the basics and having, no background in commissions processes, we built the system from the ground up to take an intuitive approach.

Unlike most systems that have a very linear flow, based on individual, dedicated screens, we tried to maintain context through processing steps. By providing selection, summary and compiled viewpoints in a single screen, we were able to provide greater oversight and context to data outputs and improve flexibility and usability in altering or updating data.

The Outcome

Our design approach allowed us to fit more functionality into less screen realestate without becoming overwhelming. When combined with technical processing improvements, we were able to greatly improve the speed of processing and overall accuracy.






Project Date:

February 1, 2017